Tuesday 21 August 2012


Interview Name:-  5 A SECO

Interview Time:-  08:29 AM(India)

Interview Date:-  26 August (India)

Note for new user: To get badge, you need to visit in Aovivo community for few second at live timing.

Bad news: If you prefer to receive a badge by watching live show so there are a bad news for you.

As we all know, Ao Vivo has given us many badges. And as you'd expect it will never close but I'm very sad to say that Ao Vivo is going to stop distributing the badges, Hopefully it's a surprise for you but do not worry, we have a another/last chance to get badge from Ao Vivo community . ''OR'' this doesn't mean that they will stop further interview (PS: no hope for badge)

Here you can see all the badges of Ao Vivo: http://support.google.com/orkut/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=1379509

Ao Vivo official community link: http://www.orkut.co.in/Main#Community?cmm=113796993

Hopefully, So far you enjoyed Ao Vivo community to get a badge but now the time has come when Ao Vivo is going to stop distribute badge.

So please don't miss last badge from Ao Vivo community.

Last interview details: 26 August, 08:29 AM(India) [Note for new user: To get badge, you need to visit and watch show in Aovivo community for few second at live timing.]

Here is the official announcement: http://blog.orkut.com/2012/08/aovivo-com-o-5-seco.html

But it is in Portugal language so again translate here in English.

English translation:

+ Aovivo with 5 Seco
Tomorrow, 26/08, 08:29 AM, we will live broadcast the show from 5 to Seco direct Cine Joia.

Chat with other fans using the hashtag # YTCineJoia and follow the show on channel + aovivo:
www.orkut.com.br / aovivo
www.youtube.com.br / aovivo
www.google.com/+, and search for "+ aovivo"

We have many other amazing shows and interviews coming up, but this will be the last aovivo + with distribution of seals in Orkut for those who attend the broadcast. To fecharmos this stage in style, prepared a super special surprise for all who are members of the community aovivo.

Do not miss it!

I hope you will never not forget it, share your sadness/affection with us. :) 


Update [ 28/08/2012 ]: Now aovivo badge no more. Here is last surprise badge.
It's last badge from  Aovivo Community.


Thursday 9 August 2012



Interview Name:-  Teatro Magico

Interview Time:-  06:00 AM(India)

Interview Date:-  13 August (India)

Note for new user: To get badge, you need to visit in Aovivo community for few second at live timing.